Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 37

This has been a really long week so far. It's only Tuesday. I'm exhausted.
Work was regular. Someone told me that their biggest fear for PJ would be me getting hit by a beer truck. Then we proceeded to joke about who else it would be terrible for work if got hit by a beer truck and decided that we should not walk in front of any beer trucks at the same time. Mostly I think it's funny that he picked a beer truck. I usually use the expression getting hit by a bus. There's someone else at work who, when I say I want her to be able to do things in case I get hit by a bus doesn't like to talk about that. So instead we say in case I win the lottery and move to Hawaii. That is a much nicer image, but I could give notice if I win the lottery and quit. You can't really give notice if you get hit by a bus/beer truck.

I had stopped wearing my sleeptracker watch because at the time Morgan was getting up before me. Now, that is obviously not an issue. I've decided to give it another shot. I'll have to let you know how it works. I remember it working very well.

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